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2024 Winter Preparedness: Changes in Construction, Industrial, and Municipal Stormwater General Permits

Winter is coming and that means rain! Get prepared for the coming rainy season by planning well in advance. There have been significant changes in construction, industrial, and municipal stormwater general permits; these changes come with additional inspection and reporting requirements. Green Technology has partnered with Whitson Contracting & Management to provide an education session that will highlight these changes to help you prepare for this winter.

Learning Objective 1:
Climate Change has greatly impacted rain events in California. A few years ago, California would get at most, a few isolated rain events with significant rainfall amounts. In the past two rainy seasons, the State has been slammed with multiple 100-year-plus rainfall events; some areas in southern Orange County received over 30 inches of rain in the first 3 months of 2024. This presentation will discuss changes in weather patterns and how these huge rain events can be predicted.

Learning Objective 2:
Sediment and erosion control technologies have been widely used in construction projects for several years. This presentation will provide an overview of the core concepts of erosion and sedimentation processes. Additionally, this course will review frequently used systems to reduce or eliminate pollutants from leaving project boundaries or industrial properties. Not only does the effectiveness of these systems vary, but the choices made will greatly impact the costs associated with what systems are chosen.

Learning Objective 3:
Permit changes have dramatically changed how projects need to be constructed to prevent pollutants from being discharged. Attendees will learn how the new 2022 Construction General Permit is vastly different from any prior permit and must be considered in a project’s planning process. Learn how this new permit ties discharged pollutants from a site to the receiving water body!

Learning Objective 4:
There are additional upcoming changes to stormwater permits that will greatly affect K-14 school campuses. This course will address these upcoming regulations that must be considered in future planning. One such change is the implementation of post-construction stormwater quality and runoff reduction requirements. Along with these changes, third-party inspection and maintenance agreements have been incorporated into stormwater permits.

Hosted by Green Technology, in collaboration with Whitson CM


Time: 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Date: September 24, 2024

Location: Zoom Meeting

Approved for 2 AIA HSW Learning Units (CEUs)

If you have questions contact: Jonathan Marquiss at jmarquiss@green-technology.org