The Green California Schools Summit in Pasadena, California

More to see in the Expo

Another look at the companies that attendees at the 2017 Green California Schools and Community Colleges Summit will find in the Green Solutions Expo on November 28-29.

Interface founder Ray Anderson shook the foundations of the petroleum-intensive carpet manufacturing industry by declaring that Interface was committed to becoming the world’s first environmentally sustainable—and, ultimately, restorative—company.

A new focus emerged: to radically redesign processes and products and to pioneer new technologies and systems that reduce or eliminate waste and harmful emissions while increasing the use of renewable materials and energy sources. Interface established its Mission Zero® promise to eliminate any negative impact the company has on the environment by 2020.

NSP3 works with schools, cities, developers, architects, recreation departments and the like. We provide design services and site evaluations. We are a licensed California contractor and provide full service installations.

NSP3 offers recreation equipment for parks, playgrounds and outdoor gathering spaces. Its equipment line includes, but is not limited to, playgrounds, DSA-approved Lunch and Shade Shelters, Solar Parking Structures, Safety Surfacing, outdoor site furnishings, bleachers and athletic equipment.

Mapes Panels, LLC
Founded by J.S. Mapes in 1952, Mapes Industries developed the original laminated metal panel to be used extensively for wall facing and storefront remodeling. Along with Mapes canopies, architects have confidently specified Mapes products for function and value for more than 60 years.

The Mapes laminated insulated metal panel has evolved over the years to meet the ever-increasing needs of an energy conscious world. Mapes Panels  continues to be a leader in the development of custom architectural metal panel solutions for the construction industry.


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