August Berres is selling the world’s first battery-powered office systems furniture product, Respond!
Battery power reduces stress on electrical grids, allows for purchasing off-peak power, and reduces peak demand. It also provides resilience when power from the grid is interrupted.
Typically there are no infrastructure costs to consider when Respond! is deployed. Conventional workstation power may require power drops, wire, conduit, breakers, breaker boxes, under-carpet wiring, and/or carpet tiles. For organizations that are growing and considering a move, nothing that you invest in Respond! needs to be left behind. In many situations, the costs of electrical contracting alone exceed the cost of Respond!.
Unlike the fixed installations of conventional power that anchor most office layouts in place, Respond! is designed to be a mobile, flexible solution for organizations that are dealing with the uncertainty of future work practices. Since there are no wires that limit reconfiguration, the product can be easily installed and re-configured.
For landlords and tenants, a Respond! office system is a way to move quickly. There are no requirements to seek electrical permits and approvals. And it is unnecessary to hire an electrical contractor to facilitate an installation.
For energy professionals, Respond! is a way to reduce consumption and cost.
For finance professionals, Respond! can be redeployed several times with minimal expense.
For human resource professionals, the office layout can quickly adapt to organizational changes and present a clean, attractive environment that can be a competitive edge in recruiting and retention.
For ergonomics professionals, Respond! provides height-adjustability as a central tenet of the Console Desk design. The sit/stand control system utilizes a mobile app capable of tracking usage, suggesting proper habits for sitting and standing, and customizing individual sit/stand height preferences. The Console Desk is designed also to accept adjustable monitor arms without impacting the size footprint. The Respond! Wallies products enable separation and privacy without necessarily enlarging the distance between workstations.
For facilities managers, when occupancy and use requirements change, the office layout can quickly adapt. Respond! is a simple way to upgrade infrastructure without physical changes such as coring floors for older buildings.
For organizations with historical buildings like you might find at a school, college, or university, Respond! is a simple way to make these structures technically sound.
For underserved or rural communities with older real estate, Respond! could be used to refresh a building and make it suitable as a remote coworking space.
In addition, our materials should be noted. Nothing in our materials or processes uses banned chemicals. Our desktops use our unique REIMAj (a play on “re-image”) process for creating woodgrain patterns on sustainably-grown fiberboard substrates. We can create bookmatched patterns that are more realistic than hard-to-recycle plastic laminate and plastic edge banding and they comparatively reduce the carbon footprint by more than 75%.
Contact: Robert J Kroon
Phone: (818) 600-4348
1525 Gezon Parkway
Grand Rapids, MI 49509