
Holding on to the Future

Queens University of Charlotte was facing this dilemma. After opening its doors in 1857, the school has become a cornerstone within the city. It has also adapted to the needs of students as the years passed. However, Queens University was struggling to keep up with basic infrastructures, such as distributing energy to critical parts of the school. Seeing as student comfort on campus is a big deal, along with the need to cut energy costs, this dilemma had to be addressed urgently. Unfortunately, the budget did not allow for any grand changes.

A solution came along in the shape of Metrus, although many will refer to it as a revolution.

A Major Environmental Win with Assembly Bill 841

Assembly Bill 841 was authored by Phil Ting (Assemblyman) and has been in the pipeline for almost two years before it was recently signed into law by Governor Newsom. After undergoing certain changes and losing some of the wide-spread support due to clashing views, it finally received the green light to make an environmental difference. Thus, it can be considered a small yet important victory towards implementing green alternatives, as well as prioritizing child safety.

New Shape of Work: Healthy Buildings and How Lighting Can Help

THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC is presenting dramatic new health and safety challenges for office tenants, building managers and developers.

Viruses, including COVID-19, spreads in several ways. These include droplet exposure from coughing and sneezing and through touching one’s face after contact with a contaminated surface. The shorter the distance between people and the greater the time in proximity, the higher the risk of person- to-person transmission. For surface transmission, risk goes up with the number of people touching a surface and as the intervals between contact gets shorter.

California Bay Area School Returns $111,000 of Water Savings to District

The district requested a water use audit from the Santa Clara Valley Water District to identify opportunities for water savings. The Water District recommended several technologies and concluded that smart irrigation controllers would provide the greatest water and cost savings. Based on these results, the school district decided to address landscape irrigation first.

COVID-19 – Outdoor classes hold promise for in-person learning

From a learning space design perspective, this could be an effective way of maintaining in-person instruction, even when temperatures drop later in the fall.
A few universities are taking class meetings outside as an innovative way to safely keep students on campus.