Building Excellence: The Blueprint for High-Performance Environments
& the Financial Advantage

It is our responsibility to ensure that educational facilities maximize the return on investment made by their communities. High-performance environments provide measurable value to students, teachers, district long-term financial success, and the community. This session will educate, inspire, and equip participants with the economic benefits, guidance, and tools to advocate for committing to planning, designing, and executing high-performance projects because of their financial returns.

This session will define high-performance projects and their specific characteristics that improve health, wellness, and safety, leading to increased academic performance, attendance, and teacher retention. This session will also outline how high-performance projects reduce long-term operational costs by lowering utility bills, preparing for climate change, and providing adaptable spaces for different teaching and learning styles.

Finally, this session will demonstrate the economic case for investing in high-performance schools and share examples of their value, providing and tools to assist districts in executing high-performance projects.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Define the Concept of High-Performance Schools – The What.
  2. Analyze the Impact on Academic Performance and Teacher Retention: Place Matters!
  3. Evaluate the Economic Benefits of High-Performance Schools: Maxmimizing Positive Outcomes.
  4. Develop Strategies for Planning and Executing High-Performance School Projects – The How.
    • Gain insights into the economic case for investing in high-performance schools through real-world examples and case studies.
    • Acquire practical guidance, tools, and resources to aid in the planning, design, and execution of high-performance school projects.


Mary Ruppenthal, Architect | Education Market Sector Leader, HED
Craig Schiller, Executive Director, Collaborative for High Performance Schools
Christos Chrysiliou, Chief Eco-Sustainability Officer, LA Unified School District
Eric Driever, Principal Architect, Division of the State Architect

Speaker Photos and Bio’s Coming Soon!