Sustainable Solutions:
Designing a Net-Zero Energy Campus

Room: 101
Time: 3:00pm – 4:00pm

This hands-on workshop will equip participants with concepts and strategies to deliver engaging, hands-on, standards-aligned STEM lessons for grades 9-12. This lesson plan is easily adaptable to fit the needs of younger or older students, allowing educators to modify content to match their students’ learning levels, provide rigorous learning, and foster an interest in STEM and energy careers. Aligned with the Energy, Environment, and Utilities pathway with California Career and Technical Education, this session’s featured lesson ensures rigorous and relevant learning experiences.

In addition, participants will learn about energy efficiency, net-zero energy, and what it means to move towards a sustainable and equitable future through an interactive presentation. They will then role-play as a community planning team to design a net-zero energy community plan with given criteria and constraints. Participants should leave the workshop with concepts and strategies to implement this lesson with their students.

Learning Objectives:

Participants will:

1) Gain an understanding of energy efficiency and define net-zero energy.
2) Identify energy and sustainability-related career pathways to share with their students.
3) Learn how to teach this lesson and impart the knowledge and skills they have gained about sustainability, energy efficiency, and net-zero energy to students.
4) Construct an explanation and design solutions for problems around using Earth’s natural resources through the cause-and-effect relationship of an energy system.


Tess Hooper, Project Manager, The Energy Coalition
Bahar Pahlevani, Project Coordinator, The Energy Coalition

Speaker Photos and Bio’s Coming Soon!

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