Joint Facilities Network Meeting
at the summit!

In addition to the abundance of timely and topical educational opportunities during the Summit, there is a special presentation for COEs and K-12 Schools Facilities, you are invited to hear presentations from State Agency leaders and partners in public school facilities and construction. This Meeting is free to attend, so make sure you register and secure your spot!

  • Network with Facilities peers
  • PreK-12 School Districts, Charter Schools and County Offices of Education
  • Share knowledge
  • Collaboratively problem-solve
  • Learn about hot topics that each agency will cover
  • Hear from a panel of experts from State and Local Agencies
  • See how to implement your counties facilities network meeting

You won’t want to miss the State Agency presentations on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, 11:15am – 12:15pm, where you will hear updates on pertinent regulatory issues and updates affecting your schools from the following key state leaders:

Moderated by:
Jema Estrella, Director, Division of Facilities and Construction, LA County Office of Education
Ida Clair, Division of the State Architect
John Gordon, California Department of Education
Lisa Silverman, Office of Public School Construction
C.A.S.H. Representative

Ida Clair was appointed to State Architect by Gov. Newsom in April 2021.  

She began serving as acting State Architect in January 2019. She concurrently served as Principal Architect for the Division of the State Architect, where she managed the accessibility, sustainability, and fire & life safety programs for public K-12 schools and community colleges, directed CALGreen and Access Code regulatory development, and administered the Certified Access Specialist (CASp) Program. 

Prior to that, she served as the CASp Program’s first technical administrator where she established the program’s professional practice standards and provides examination and training development.

Ida has twenty-six years’ experience in private architectural practice where she specialized in affordable and sustainable multifamily residential facilities, and provided accessibility compliance surveys and third-party plan reviews. As a certified access specialist, Ida was instrumental in the creation of the Certified Access Specialist Institute in 2010.  

Clair has a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Southern California and is a registered architect

Lisa Silverman was appointed as Executive Officer of OPSC in March 2012 by Governor Brown and reappointed May 2021 by Governor Newsom. She serves as Chief Policy Advisor to the State Allocation Board for the School Facility Program and the expanded Full-Day Kindergarten Programs. Lisa has collaborated with Local Educational Agencies to successfully access over $13 billion in program grants that represents 5,180 projects. She has been a catalyst with moving forward with OPSC Online initiative for electronic application submittals; the California Open Data portal that provides greater transparency with distribution of SFP Program Funds (since 1998) and providing 15 OPSC virtual training workshops for our stakeholders. Lisa has over 36 years of public service; attended California State University, Sacramento (CSUS), Leadership for Government Executives at CSUS; serves as a Treasurer for a non-profit; serves on the Green California Summit Advisory Board and State Controller’s Office’s K-12 Audit Guide Working Group, and Treasurer for a community-based organization. She has received numerous awards (Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association) and recognitions (California Latino School Board Association, Governor’s Military Council, and numerous legislative members) for her commitment to public service.

John Gordon is the Education Administrator for the California Department of Education’s (CDE) School Facilities and Transportation Division. As the Education Administrator for the Field Operations Unit, Gordon provides leadership and day-to-day supervision of six field representatives who serve Local Education Agencies on school facility planning and school district organization issues.  Additionally, he provides staff oversight of the review and approval of new construction and/or modernization construction applications and property acquisitions for California school districts based on Title 5 Regulations. During his 19-year career at the CDE, Gordon was also instrumental in the development of the Career Technical Education Facilities Program. Through a competitive grant program spanning six funding cycles, the CTEFP provided over $1 billion to construct CTE-specific learning environments and equipment at various California high schools.

Gordon also served three terms (2008-2020) as an elected school board member for the Galt Joint Union Elementary School District where he championed a facilities master plan process and passage of a local school bond to address modernization needs at their six schools.

Note: Registration discounts are available for group of four or more.
Call 626-577-5700 Ext 105 or email for assistance with registration.