Municipal Storm Water Regulations – Future changes affecting municipalities and public school districts (K-14) (AIA)

One hour webinar

Managing rainwater and storm water at the source is a more effective and sustainable alternative to augmenting water supply, preventing impacts from flooding, mitigating storm water pollution, creating green space, and enhancing fish and wildlife habitat. California regulations are designed to encourage best practices in the management of this resource. The current Phase II Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit will expire in 2018. State Water Board staff will be writing the new permit in 2018 with an anticipated adoption in 2019. The intention is for the new permit to designate all public school districts and community college districts within Phase I and Phase II municipal jurisdictions. This change will have a significant impact on the storm water management responsibilities of school districts and require coordination between districts and municipalities. This webinar will discuss the implications of the coming changes and provide information that can help those affected by them begin to plan for compliance. Although the changes will not go into effect immediately, compliance may involve actions and decisions that require considerable time for proper planning and execution. The session will also review issues that have been found in the current permit that the new permit will seek to address.

This training offers one AIA CEU and one Build It Green CEU.

About the Presenter

Bill Hereth has over 24 years of experience working for the State Water Resources Control Board in the NPDES program regulating discharges to Waters of the U.S., both for Wastewater and Stormwater. Bill graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science in Chemical Engineering from UC Santa Barbara. He was the primary author of the MS4 permit for Caltrans requiring the capture and treatment of storm water from the State’s highway system. He is currently the program manager for the Phase II MS4 permit.

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