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Forum hashtags: #SustainableFacilitiesForum #SFF2025
Twitter: @grn_tech
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grntechnology
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/greentechnology-gt/
Summit Website direct link: https://www.green-technology.org/sff
Direct Registration link: https://www.rsvpbook.com/SFF2024
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How can you connect Sustainability and Environmental best practices with your facility projects? The Sustainable Facilities Forum has you covered. The conference comes to the Scottish Rite Center on May 15th: To register, go to www.green-technology.org/sff
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(59 words)
How can you integrate sustainability and environmental best practices with your facility projects? The Sustainable Facilities Forum will help you address this challenge. Join us in Sacramento at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center on May 15th. The Forum features opening keynotes, an exhibit area, education sessions and a leadership awards luncheon. To register, go to www.green-technology.org/sff or call 626-577-5700.
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Facilities and Sustainability Leaders to Meet in Sacramento
The Sustainable Facilities Forum, formerly the Green California Summit now in its 19th year will address these challenges to help pave the path forward.
EcoSynergy: California’s Collaborative Green Future
“EcoSynergy” is a concept that combines “eco” (relating to the environment) and “synergy” (the idea that working together produces a greater outcome than individual efforts alone). In the context of sustainability, EcoSynergy refers to collaborative environmental efforts where the combined actions of different stakeholders—such as governments, businesses, communities, and individuals—create a stronger, more positive impact on the environment than they could achieve independently. While “California’s Collaborative Green Future” reinforces the goals to collaboratively move towards the achievement of California’s environmental goals.
Join us for the 2025 Forum where once again we will be highlighting strategies, best practices and technologies behind successful public sector facility projects.
Save the date for this years Forum which is being held on May 15th in Sacramento, California at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center at 6151 H Street, Sacramento, CA 95819.
Dozens of green products and services will be on display in the Exhibit Area, from funding sources to innovative hybrid cooling systems. Education sessions will cover best practices, embodied carbon, electric vehicles and infrastructure, CAL Green, and Energy Code updates, funding sources, building reuse addressing carbon reduction, whole building lifecycle analysis and more.
The Leadership Awards Luncheon will recognize accomplishments over the past year in the following categories; Local Government, State Government, Pioneer, Conservation, K-12 Public School, Public College or University, Environmental Champion.
For more information and to register, go to www.green-technology.org/sff or call 626-577-5700.
“It was a very good Forum – and, as usual there were excellent exhibitors as well as workshops, etc.” – CalEPA
“Great forum!” “I enjoyed the live keynote discussion today. Very well presented.” – LA USD
“All three speakers were outstanding and provided the type of information we all need right now.” – Jurupa USD
“Conference is going very well so far!” – SMUD
“I thought it was a good event.” – CA Dept of Correction & Rehab
“Great conference.” – CalRecycle
“Learning by doing and then convening to share lessons can move California towards climate solutions more quickly and completely.” “The Sustainable Facilities Forum is a worthwhile event.” – Commissioner Andrew McAllister, CEC
“Event’s like the Green Technology’s Forum are critical to meeting with sustainable products companies and the policy makers.” – CA Building Standards Commission
“The most helpful thing is the networking.” “To be able to share and collaborate on some of the different approaches to overcoming obstacles has been really valuable.” – CalTrans

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